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5 Signs of water damage within your home. What to look out for.

Don’t let water leaks in your home increase your bills. Water leaks in properties are a common nuisance causing many expensive repair costs and higher utility bills. Although water leaks are commonly tricky to identify, there are a few things you can do to help find the source of a water leak on your property. If you suspect a water leak in your home, it’s best to have the professionals such as Bespoke Shower Repair come out to allocate and assess the leak and any potential damage.

Learn more on waterproofing here.

What is a water leak and how to identify a water leak in your home?

What is a water leak? A water leak within your home is the gradual loss of water from a water system. A water leak if left unattended can cause serious damage to your property, internal and external plumbing and expensive repair costs.

Are you worried your home is suffering from water damage? If the answer is yes, there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you identify any water leaking issues.

Looking out for water leak signs or signs of water damage.

There are a variety of recognisable signs of water leaks and water damage within your home. Water leaks are generally not very hard to detect, however, we always recommend getting a water leak expert to assess any leaks.

1. Look out for dark or wet spots.

Wet spots or dark spots are one of the most tell-tale signs of water damage in your home. These discolourations are found on your interior and exterior walls and ceilings, primarily in the colours copper, yellow and brown. These kinds of watermarks are very noticeable and should be addressed with urgency.

2. Paint cracking, flaking or bubbling.

Your paint can help you identify water leaks within the walls of your home. Over time the littlest of leaks can reveal themselves with signs of your paint cracking, flaking or bubbling, especially on drywall. These signs can be an absolute giveaway if you have a water leak and water damage in your home that needs to be attended to.

3. Your water bill has increased.

For most of us our utility bills tend to be pretty consistent, with mild variations of around $25 - $40 per quarter depending on the season. Unless you have a reason for a significant increase in water consumption, such as filling a pool or having guests stay for a period of time, a significant spike in your water bill can be a good indicator you have a water leak that needs to be addressed.

4. You experience a damp, musty or mouldy smell.

If you are experiencing an unpleasant damp, mouldy or musty smell in your home, you must try and locate the source. Do not try and cover up the scent with a scented candle or air fresheners. These funky smells often caused by mould and mildew from a water leak can rapidly cause damage within your home and become a health hazard.

5. The sound of dripping or running water.

On occasions, water leaks can only be heard and not seen. You may hear unfamiliar sounds of water dripping, running or rushing! If you hear these sounds, first check all the toilets, taps, and other water supplies in your home. If everything checks out, take a water meter read and then do not use the water in your home for a few hours. After the time is up take another water meter reads, if the water meter read has increased it is an indication you have water flowing somewhere within your home and may have a leak.

Water leaks are a common problem in homes across Melbourne. You can experience water leaks in dry areas, and they are not always weather related. Leaks can be caused by many various issues such as faulty plumbing, weather damage, or blockages. If you suspect you have a water leak within your home, don’t wait for further damage, get the water leak diagnosed with the team at Bespoke Shower Repairs.


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